Jan-Helge Lorenz, B.Sc. (Ost), D.O. (VOSD)

Jan-Helge Lorenz worked as a physiotherapist in an outpatient rehabilitation center in Hildesheim (Germany) and specialized in the treatment and care of athletes. He also worked as a freelancer in a sports studio and was particularly active in individual training.

He had the first contact with the FDM in an advanced training as a sports physiotherapist with Klaus Eder (Donaustauf – Germany) in 2002. Through the experience of this course, Lorenz decided to study osteopathic medicine at the Osteopathy School of Germany (OSD).

In 2007, during his studies in osteopathic medicine,  he met Georg Harrer M.D. and completed the first FDM basic module. After the FDM-Basic-Certification 2009, Jan-Helge Lorenz worked as an assistant at FDM seminars and took part in various FDM Level 2 seminars with various FDM instructors.

As a successful graduation of the Bachelor of Science “Osteopathy, B.Sc.” at the Dresden International University (DIU), he defended his pilot study “Effectiveness of an osteopathic treatment after the FDM for upper back and neck complaints” International audience at the “Day of Science” in 2013 at the Osteopathy Congress in Berlin.

Since 2012, Jan-Helge Lorenz has been working at various courses with FDM Level 2 courses as an assistant and co-lecturer for the Interdisciplinary Medicine Working Group (A.I.M) in close collaboration with Thorsten Fischer.

In addition, he has been working as a lecturer at the Osteopathy School Germany / DIU since 2009 and opened his own practice in 2013 in Hildesheim (Germany).

Beside the work, he is an active mountain biker, hobby DJ, married and since 2011 father of a daughter and since 2013 father of a son.


Praxis für Osteopathie und Physiotherapie
– Behandlungen nach dem Fasziendistorsionsmodell –
Schuhstraße 9
31134 Hildesheim
Tel. +49-(0)171 29 23 793
Email: osteopathie.lorenz@gmail.com