The 8th Synod of FDM Instructors took place in Hallbergmoos (GER) in May, 2019.
The Synod consists of all FDM Instructors who have been trained and tested according to the EFDMA training regulations. She is responsible for the training regulations of the EFDMA and creates the Curriculum for the FDM training. The Synod meets periodically to review and adapt the training regulations of the EFDMA. Topics are e.g. the (further) development of the common doctrine; the evaluation of the training, the cooperation with the working groups with regard to further development of the teaching, the method and the training organization.
Many thanks to all FDM Instructors for carrying out the FDM doctrine and method into the world!
Find Informations & course dates in the course calendar.

FDM- Instructors standing left to right: Markus Nagel MSc, Stefan Anker MSc D.O., Ayhan Güdük M.D., Wilhelm Fäßlacher MSc. D.O., Mag. Joachim Stolz , Carsten Schmilgeit, Matti Pröfrock, Jan-Helge Lorenz BSc , Evgeny Haimov, David Struzik , Thorsten Fischer, Lars Werner D.O. FDM- Instructors bottom row left to right: Markus Breineßl M.D., (Martina Lichtblau MBA-EFDMA Sekretariat), Beatrix Baumgartner MSPhT, Lukas Trimmel M.D., Detlef Meyer M.D.,Georg Harrer M.D..