Review FDM Connect LIVE Nov. 5th, 2022

This was the 2nd FDM Connect LIVE Meeting on Nov. 5th, 2022

FDM people participated live from Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Austria & Gran Canaria. Before and after we meet online, the groups had exchange of experience (f.ex. workgroup, practical trainings,…) & a lot of fun 🙂 We also talked about the next big FDM event in September 2023.

The aim of FDM Connect LIVE is that the meetings take place across Europe in groups, at the same time. With this initiative the EFDMA wants to push the exchange of local FDM people. Thanks to all EFDMA members & FDM freaks for organizing such meetings and putting their energy into spreading the FDM & the Typaldos method!

We’ve made a video review for you, with a view clips from the FDM Connect LIVE meeting:


It was very nice to see you online, but we hope to see all of you on the next FDM event IN PERSON: â€śBack to the roots” from Sept. 14th  to 16th  2023.  (<-Details click link)

If you want to stay in touch and exchange regularly with other FDM therapists, join the FDM Connect chat groups. For more information write to the FDM Connect Coordinator in your country or to the EFDMA office. If you want to join the chat group please also send your phone number in the email .