
Editor in Chief:

European FDM Association (EFDMA)
Evgeny Haimov (CEO)
Franz-Heider-Gasse 1A/401/Büro 8
A-1230 Vienna, Austria
ZVR: 898629486

Seat and purpose of the Association
EFDMA’s headquarters are in Vienna/Austria. The association’s activities cover all of Austria as well as the entire European continent. This association is a registered NGO according to its definition in §§ 34 to 47 of the Austrian Federal Fiscal Code.
EFDMA’s primary aims are promoting science and research in the areas of the Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) and the „Typaldos Method”, commemorating the creator of the Fascial Distortion Model, Stephen P. Typaldos and advocating health, education and advanced training. (Details see statutes)

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