The Fascial Distortion Model
by Stephen Typaldos D.O.
Typaldos Method
Published by the European Fascial Distortion Model Association (EFDMA)
Hard cover; Medical Manual, 216 pages, 77 illustrations, bound
Language: english
ISBN: 978-3-9502774-2-5
Price 100 €
Available at our Partner Mileana at
Also available in German:
This up-to-date textbook on the fascial distortion model (FDM) according to Stephen Typaldos comprises the basics of the FDM and describes the use of the Typaldos method in practice. Corresponding to the curriculum of the European Fascial Distortion Model Association (EFDMA) the book explains the theory of the different fascial distortions, the FDM diagnosis and the manual application of the method to the locomotor system. In addition, it presents the historic development of the model and discusses the FDM treatment approach in comparison with the allopathic treatment Approach.
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Das praxisorientierte Rückenbuch.
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International books in cooperation with FDM Global Organization
Informations about book sales at
The Fascial Distortion Model
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