EFDMA Workgroup

The FDM Workgroup is an excellent opportunity for exchange with other FDM therapists and offers ideal conditions to jointly improve one’s FDM knowledge.

Guided by an FDM instructor or FDM IC holder various topics FDM-related topics can be discussed and developed together.

Treatment of patients, discussion of specific topics, exchange on and practice of techniques, patient videos and discussion of them, etc. … in other words: the aim is a practical approach to FDM work in everyday practice!

The Workgroup is one of the best possibilities to foster and expand one’s FDM network.

Make use of this possibility to continuously improve your theoretical and practical skills – find dates here:

wdt_ID Country ZIP Code City Date Time Guidance Organizer Details
37 Germany 74564 Crailsheim 18.01.2025 11:00 Marcus Rohrbach Marcus Rohrbach https://www.fdm-europe.com/fdm-workgroup-01-18-2025-crailsheim/
Organization FDM Workgroups

The FDM Workgroups are organized by several committed members of the EFDMA. They are always supervised by an FDM instructor or FDM IC holder. Below you can find a list of the various organizers (which is continuously updated).

The EFDMA provides information about dates and registration for the Workgroups in its EFDMA member newsletter and on the EFDMA website (see list above).

Workgroups are only open to EFDMA members. Interested non-members may participate only once to get a taste of the Workgroups.

Should you be interested to organize your own FDM Workgroup and announce it through the channels of the EFDMA as official organizer, please contact the EFDMA office (office@fdm-europe.com).

Here you can find the guidelines for organizing an FDM Workgroup and an overview with the first steps.

wdt_ID Organizer Guidance Postal Code Place Country Contact
2 Brüning Helga Brüning Helga & Nagel Markus 49074 Osnabrück Germany h.bruening@osteopathie-hasehaus.de
3 Struzik David Struzik David 53757 St. Augustin Germany david.struzik@gmx.de
4 Linn Kristina Dressel Selena 55124 Mainz Germany kristina@kristinalinn.com
9 Grasser Georg Georg Grasser 91058 Erlangen Germany info@georggrasser.de
11 Gerner Christian Gerner Christian 4040 Linz Austria office@gerner.physio
12 Ewald Mühlbacher Joachim Stolz 2345 Brunn am Gebirge Austria praxis@physiobrunn.at
14 Struzik David Struzik David 40-001 Katowice Poland info@fdmakademia.pl
20 Roman Boss Roman Boss 3005 Bern Switzerland fdmboss@hotmail.com
21 Rafał Adamiec Rafał Adamiec 98-210 Sieradz Poland rafaladamiec@tlen.pl
22 Piotr Rybacki Rafał Adamiec 60-688 Poznań Poland rafaladamiec@tlen.pl
23 Barbara Ringhofer Sheila Boateng 1140 Wien Austria barbararinghofer@yahoo.com
24 Stefan Anker Stefan Anker 1010 Wien Austria superteam@superteam.net
25 Fischer & Haimov Thorsten Fischer & Evgeny Haimov 30165 Hannover Germany info@eta-med.de
26 Angela Mantel Bettina Eigenmann 8406 Winterthur Switzerland angela@somatherapie.ch
27 Marcus Rohrbach Martina Nilkens 74564 Crailsheim Germany info@physiotherapie-rohrbach.de
28 Stefan Anker Stefan Anker 77731 Willstätt Germany superteam@superteam.net