About the EFDMA (European Fascial Distortion Model Association)
The EFDMA was founded in 2006 in Vienna as the first organization in Europe in order to preserve and develop the Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) – which was developed by the American doctor Stephen Typaldos D.O.– in its entirety.
Founding member and first president of the EFDMA was Georg Harrer M.D., who has learned directly from Dr. Typaldos and was personally commissioned by him to teach and spread the FDM in Europe. Other founding members were: Erich Gstarz M.D., Christoph Rossmy D.O., Christian Stein M.D., Markus Breineßl M.D., Karin Forthuber and Stefan Anker MSc, D.O..
Due to the special commitment of the first (founding) members and with an increasing number of FDM courses the EFDMA grew continuous. In 2009 there were over 70 members, today the association has over 700 in Europe (see FDM Practitioner search).
As a non-profit organization the central concern of the EFDMA is to provide access to a qualified FDM treatment for every patient in Europe.
On this basis the EFDMA trains certified instructors after high standards going back to Dr. Typaldos, who then in turn are allowed to teach according to a curriculum set by the EFDMA.
Only teachers and students who have been trained and certified in courses according to the standards and guidelines of the EFDMA and thus in the spirit of Stephen Typaldos are recognized by the EFDMA.
As a member of the FDM Global Organization (FDMGO) the EFDMA stands for quality, development, communication and international cooperation. As an organizer of international congresses, symposia and as a promoter of scientific work it stands as a guiding structure for education and science in the FDM
The EFDMA board comprises unsalaried members, doctors and therapists, who successfully apply the FDM and the Typaldos method in their everyday practice. For more information’s and their motivation for the board work, please click on the names below.

The EFDMA board
– President Evgeny Haimov
– Vice-President Bettina Eigenmann
– Vice-President Ayhan Güdük M.D.
– Treasurer Sheila Boateng BSc.
– Deputy Treasurer Martina Nilkens
– Secretary Selena Dressel
– Deputy Secretary Piotr Rybacki MSc.
– Board member Marcel Mahlert
Cash auditors: Gerlinde Feiel-Schmidt D.O. & Georg Harrer M.D.
The objectives of the EFDMA
Our vision is that every patient in Europe has access to a qualified treatment according to the Fascial Distortion Model (FDM).
The association’s activities focus on:
- the regulation and promotion of a qualified FDM training
- international exchange of experiences within the FDM in close cooperation with the FDM associations in the USA, Japan and Africa
- the promotion of scientific projects regarding the Fascial Distortion Model and the Typaldos method
- dissemination of the Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) developed by Stephen Typaldos D.O. through public relation work