8.FDM World Congress-Presentations

Dear members,

the EFDMA can nominate topics & presenters for the 8. FDM World Congress program. If you are interested in presenting a topic, please send a short abstract until January 31st, 2020 to office@fdm-europe.com (Although of the congress theme, Continue reading

FDM IC – New date 2020

Dear finisher of the FDM Basic Certificate,
dear friends of the FDM!

Since 2012, EFDMA has been offering the FDM International Certificate, the “FDM IC”.
For this purpose, a commissional exam is to be taken in front of a jury Continue reading

Social Media Support

From now on the EFDMA will be supported (volunteer) in the field of Social Media from Sheila Boateng (EFDMA Member). Have fun with new videos, posts, & many more!

Postponement FDM World Congress 2020

The 8.FDM World Congress 2020 in Japan scheduled for Nov. 2020 will be cancelled and postponed!

Dear members,

our friends from the FDM Asian Association (FAA) just informed us that the 8. FDM World Congress in Japan will be cancelled Continue reading

Tips for beginners – Stefan Anker

Are you a FDM beginner? Stefan Anker has a tip for you!

(click picture for video – language german with english & russian subtitles)

FDM Highlights – Andi Horn answers

Andi Horn talks about what is the best thing FDM gave him. (click picture for video – language german with english subtitles)

Congrats to the new FDM IC’s

Since 2012, EFDMA has been offering the FDM International Certificate, the “FDM IC”.
For this purpose, a commissional exam is to be taken in front of a jury of FDM Instructors with a theoretical and practical part.
With this Continue reading

Review 2019 – Preview 2020

Dear EFDMA members,

2019 is coming to an end, time for a little review.
We also want to keep you up to date with news from the world of FDM and EFDMA.

FDM symposium and EFDMA General Assembly in Vienna Continue reading