Review 2020 – Preview 2021


Dear EFDMA members,

it was a crazy year 2020, let’s look back and give you an outlook on next year:


FDM training:
The EFDMA is the only FDM organization in Europe that is based on non-profit structures, so it is a non-profit association based in Austria. The board, as well as project-related committed members, are volunteers, i.e. work for the association free of charge. The EFDMA itself does not offer any FDM courses and therefore has no financial advantage from the courses. The EFDMA or the Synod of Instructors sets the standards and examines future FDM Instructors according to strict guidelines. The Synod is responsible for the training regulations of the EFDMA, creates the curriculum of the FDM training and meets in regular intervals to review and adapt the training regulations of the EFDMA (also voluntary, i.e. free of charge). Course providers can hire the FDM Instructors certified by the EFDMA to hold FDM courses as part of their course offerings or some FDM Instructors also have their own course organizations. The qualified FDM training and further education by these FDM Instructors and course providers are an essential component in order to achieve our vision, that every patient in Europe has access to a qualified treatment according to the Fascial Distortion Model (FDM).

In 2020 there were two FDM IC exams in Europe (Poland and Germany) with a total of 15 participants. There is also a new FDM IC in Africa. We congratulate the 12 new FDM IC therapists once again.

The next FDM IC exam is scheduled for May 3rd, 2021 in Hallbergmoos (GER).

New website& member system
In summer 2020, the new EFDMA website went online with the new member system. The biggest challenge was on the one hand to adapt the website to the requirements of the different users (patients, members, FDM interested parties, Instructors, EFDMA office) and on the other hand to construct a member system in the background, which links with the therapist search, membership fee payments and the complete member administration. On the whole, we succeeded in doing this after many hours of smoking heads and of course professional IT support. As always, however, some problems only arise when everything is online and the various users are using all functions in real operation 😊. So we are still working on this complex construction and ask for your understanding if not everything is going perfectly yet. As always, you can contact our office if you have any questions about the new member system or the website. Martina will be happy to help you 😉.

We would like to thank all members who immediately activated the new automated annual debiting of the membership fee. This is a great relief for us and you will not have to think about payment in the future either 😉.

Social media support
A big thank you to Sheila Boateng (EFDMA member). Since summer she supports the EFDMA on a voluntary basis in the field of social media and shows us new exciting ways to spread the FDM & the Typaldos method. There are e.g. short information videos for patients, videos on the subject of tips for beginners, challenges in FDM, excerpts from lectures and much more. In order to make posts and videos accessible to all our members who speak different languages, we are constantly looking for support with the translation. If you are interested, send us an email to  or a message via Facebook.

Have fun with new posts, videos, and much more on our social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube.

FDM World Congress
The 8th FDM World Congress with the title “Rediscovering FDM for the future” will be hosted by the FDM Asian Association (FAA) and was planned for November 2020 in Osaka, Japan. Unfortunately the Congress had to be postponed due to the current situation and it is not yet clear if and when it will take place.

Outlook 2021 …

“30 years of Triggerband – an interactive anniversary”
In September 1991 the history of FDM started with Stephen Typaldos’ first publication about the Triggerband. We would like to celebrate this special event with you. Our journey begins on September 16th, 2021 in the afternoon/ evening with lectures on the history and philosophy of the Triggerband. On September 17th we will dive into the practice interactively and in the evening we will celebrate the Triggerband’s 30th birthday. On September 18th we will go on a hike in the Vienna Woods, together with family & friends and explore the Triggerband in nature. The „Krainerhütte“ in Baden near Vienna (Austria), offers us the right setting for this special event. Find details on hotel booking on the EFDMA Website.

Details on the program, participation fee and registration will follow in early 2021.

FDM Science – 3rd Case Report Contest
You can still submit your study design for the 3rd FDM Case Report Contest (FDM-CRC 3.0) until January 10th, 2021.

Deadline for completed study (CRC): April 1st, 2021. Prize money € 500, -. Details here: FDM-CRC 3.0 guidelines

EFDMA General Assembly
The EFDMA General Assembly will take place in Hallbergmoos (Germany, near Munich) on the evening of May 3rd, 2021.  A new board will be elected. Before that, we may plan an FDM Workgroup for EFDMA members. But details will follow. FDM-IC exams will take place in the mornings.

So stay tuned via the EFDMA member mail and our  Social Media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube).

Many thanks to all members who, despite the tough times this year, continue to support the EFDMA as an association with their membership. As Typaldos said: „FDM is a gift – and a burden!”

In this sense, we wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and a healthy and successful year 2021,

Kind regards from the EFDMA Board

P.S. The EFDMA office is closed from Dec. 24th, 2020 to January 3rd, 2021. We will be back for you on January 4th, 2021.